EBMA is the European Association responsible for the promotion of the BI(G)MED diagnostic and therapeutic method.
- It organises training on BI(G)MED intended for healthcare professionals.
- It stimulates the “BI(G)MED community” of doctors and therapists through scientific and medical meetings to raise awareness.
- It trains new conference hosts and trainers.
- It participates in international medical congresses and forums.
- It runs scientific studies to validate the method.
- It publishes articles in international medical journals.
EBMA has its head offices in France (Colmar) and is also active in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxemburg and Austria (via an independent Association).

EBMA offers training courses dedicated to healthcare professionals.
They are available in different languages (French, German and Spanish); they either take place as face to face events or online.
Our partners
We would like to warmly thank our partners for their generous support. Thanks to them, our association can step up its training and information activities and further develop its research work. We are grateful for their trust.